Unity 3d Startup Assets

I’ve been doing a lot of Unity 3d coding. Well, maybe not as much as I’d like.

Anyway, I’m refactoring my first big project, and I thought I’d write down the assets I’m adding right from the start.

* xARM: Aspect and Resolution Master: I’m writing a mobile game. xARM lets me cycle through a number of mobile resolutions so I can see whether my screens will look good on different devices.


* Property Backing Field Drawer: I’m a coding geek. I like using C# properties instead of making my variables public. This asset helps me use C# properties while still being able to use Unity’s property editors.


* Package Uninstaller: seems like a good idea to be able to cleanly uninstall packages.


* Mad Compile Time Optimizer: this will pre-compile asset source code. It dropped the compile time in half for my previous project. That saves a lot of time and makes it bearable to make a change.


* Advanced Builder: allows you to maintain multiple build targets for your project. It makes it easier to switch from an Android build to an Apple build, for example.


* Advanced Multi-Scene: actually, I just bought this asset. I’m interested to try it. This allows you to break up a scene into multiple sub-scenes. Some of my scenes are getting very bloated and complicated. I’m hoping this will help me reduce the complexity.


* Build Report Tool: this shows you how big you build was an what the biggest assets were. This helped me reduce the build size of some of my projects.


Well, that’s my current tool kit. After that, you start adding stuff that your game will use.

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